Use SNS and Lambda to send mobile notifications

Use SNS and Lambda to send mobile notifications

Step-1: Copy the Python code to the lambda console and add a phone number to get a notification

import json
import logging
import time
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SnsWrapper:
    """Encapsulates Amazon SNS topic and subscription functions."""

    def __init__(self, sns_resource):
        :param sns_resource: A Boto3 Amazon SNS resource.
        self.sns_resource = sns_resource

    def create_topic(self, name):
        Creates a notification topic.

        :param name: The name of the topic to create.
        :return: The newly created topic.
            topic = self.sns_resource.create_topic(Name=name)
  "Created topic %s with ARN %s.", name, topic.arn)
        except ClientError:
            logger.exception("Couldn't create topic %s.", name)
            return topic

    def delete_topic(topic):
        Deletes a topic. All subscriptions to the topic are also deleted.
  "Deleted topic %s.", topic.arn)
        except ClientError:
            logger.exception("Couldn't delete topic %s.", topic.arn)

    def subscribe(topic, protocol, endpoint):
        Subscribes an endpoint to the topic. Some endpoint types, such as email,
        must be confirmed before their subscriptions are active. When a subscription
        is not confirmed, its Amazon Resource Number (ARN) is set to

        :param topic: The topic to subscribe to.
        :param protocol: The protocol of the endpoint, such as 'sms' or 'email'.
        :param endpoint: The endpoint that receives messages, such as a phone number
                         (in E.164 format) for SMS messages, or an email address for
                         email messages.
        :return: The newly added subscription.
            subscription = topic.subscribe(
                Protocol=protocol, Endpoint=endpoint, ReturnSubscriptionArn=True
  "Subscribed %s %s to topic %s.", protocol, endpoint, topic.arn)
        except ClientError:
                "Couldn't subscribe %s %s to topic %s.", protocol, endpoint, topic.arn
            return subscription

    def publish_text_message(self, phone_number, message):
        Publishes a text message directly to a phone number without need for a

        :param phone_number: The phone number that receives the message. This must be
                             in E.164 format. For example, a United States phone
                             number might be +12065550101.
        :param message: The message to send.
        :return: The ID of the message.
            response = self.sns_resource.meta.client.publish(
                PhoneNumber=phone_number, Message=message
            message_id = response["MessageId"]
  "Published message to %s.", phone_number)
        except ClientError:
            logger.exception("Couldn't publish message to %s.", phone_number)
            return message_id

def usage_demo():
    print("-" * 88)
    print("Welcome to the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) demo!")
    print("-" * 88)

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")

    sns_wrapper = SnsWrapper(boto3.resource("sns"))
    topic_name = f"rs-{time.time_ns()}"

    print(f"Creating topic {topic_name}.")
    topic = sns_wrapper.create_topic(topic_name)

    phone_number = '91<your number>'
    if phone_number != "":
        print(f"Sending an SMS message directly from SNS to {phone_number}.")
        sns_wrapper.publish_text_message(phone_number, "Hello from the SNS demo!")

    print("Thanks for watching!")
    print("-" * 88)

def lambda_handler(event, context):

Step-2: Add the SNSFullAccess Policy to the execution role of lambda and add your phone number to verified identities in sns as shown below.

Step-3: Deploy and test the lambda code. After running the lambda code you will get the below message.